Libre vs Libre Intense by YSL

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Libre from YSL has sort of been all over the place since its release a few years back. It’s success lead to the release of Libre Intense, as a strengthened flankers scent. I grabbed samples of each of them for my upcoming reviews on these perfumes, but wanted to first do a comparison post. Which smells better? Is the one to buy?

Tale of the Tape: Libre vs. Intense

Libre EDP

Notes include: lavender, white musks, orange flower, vanilla, orchid

Click here to try: Yves Saint Laurent Libre Eau De Parfum Spray for Women 90ml/3oz, clear

Read my review: Libre EDP

Libre Intense

Notes include: lavender, orange blossom, orchid, vanilla

Click here to try: Yves Saint Laurent for Women Libre 1.6 oz Eau de Parfum Intense Spray


Libre kicks off with a strong burst of the orange blossom (maybe some additional citrus fruit spritzed in) and the lavender, which will only grown more powerful. It’s soapy, somewhat musky, and has a definite creaminess throughout. 

The main change that I get during the rest of the wear is the lavender becoming dominant and the musk coming out more. Very little orchid when compared to Intense and the vanilla isn’t a front and center.

Meanwhile, Libre Intense starts sweeter for me, but still not super sugary or anything. Less lavender/musk soapiness, a lot more orchid, and the orange blossom is about the same. Vanilla is a bigger player for the entire duration of the wear. 

Which do I prefer? I enjoy Intense a bit more than the original. It’s not a wide margin, but I like the different facets and the toned down lavender. It actually reminds me of a more feminized Stronger with You by Armani or one of those flankers.

Edge: Intense


Libre isn’t a weak fragrance. I’d rate it as being at least in the upper range of moderate, if not firmly in the strong camp. As a mainstream designer wear, it’s got plenty of projection ability and will be very noticeable in the air around you, even after the opening act.

However, as by design, it doesn’t match up to the abilities of Intense. Libre Intense isn’t the strongest fragrance ever, but it for sure delivers the power. Bold with a pretty massive reach, at least for a time.

This category is easy for Intense, but that doesn’t mean that Libre isn’t great in its own right.

Edge: Intense


Again, both of these perfumes are great with their performances. Libre will go 8-9 hours, on my skin. Which, all things considered, is about what you’d want in most situations.

Libre Intense goes into the double digit hours. Maybe 12-ish or a little longer. YSL didn’t cheap out when creating these formulations.

Testing out Intense numerous times, it just seems to want to keep going, even with a pretty small amount applied. It takes this category too.

Edge: Intense


This is where Libre EDP gets the edge. It’s lighter formulation, allows it to fit into daytime environments, where Intense wouldn’t do as well. Intense does strike me as being more of a nighttime wear.

Also, Intense is pretty much a cold weather scent. If it’s not too warm, it’ll be fine, but above that it will melt. EDP isn’t for hotter temperatures, but it can venture into spring without issue.

Edge: Libre


Overall Scent

I like both of these fragrances. I’m not in love with either, but for what they are, you get a pleasing aroma and good performance. YSL did well with this line.

Libre EDP is an attractive fragrance. It’s much more floral. If you want a lavender and orange blossom mix, this might be the one for you. Not too complicated, but a nice wear.

Libre Intense is better, in my opinion. Not just because of the better performance, but also, I think it has more depth and better balance. I like that the lavender isn’t as heavy. The orchid is improved and the vanilla gets ramped up.

The formula is similar, naturally, but the balance of the notes themselves are just better overall. If you’re a fan of lavender in perfumes you can go with either of these for some good designer exposure to that note. 

It’s not a huge win for Intense, but it gets the nod.

Winner: Libre Intense

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