Absolu Aventus by Creed

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Absolu Aventus is a limited edition of the best selling name by Creed, which was released in 2023. As of now, the brand really limited the number of bottles that came out, and I’m not sure what the status will be for the future.

I did however, purchase a sample for quite a bit of money, in order to test it out and see how it actually smells, performs, and if it’s worth trying to get a hold of.

What does Absolu Aventus Smell Like?

Notes include: citron, bergamot, blackcurrant, vetiver, grapefruit, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, pink pepper, patchouli

Click here to try: Absolu Aventus

My Full Review

The differences between Absolu and the original Aventus will be quite apparent in the opening act. The pineapple and birch are noticeably missing.

Absolu Aventus is a smoother blend in comparison with bergamot still in the lead spot, but flanked with citron, grapefruit, and the same blackcurrant. It does still have a somewhat sharp bite to it, but it doesn’t hit in the same way.

This to me, is a welcome change of pace, as the opening has always been my least favorite aspect of Aventus.

The spices here are mainly the cinnamon and cardamom notes. Ginger is present, but never becomes a major factor in the mix for me.

Vetiver was the biggest shock to me early. I wasn’t expecting it to come through as much as it did. I actually get more of it than I ever do from the ginger. Between this and the patchouli, you’re going to get some earthiness wafting up from the base.

Nothing crazy, but enough freshness and woodsy/grassy aroma to make up for some of what is missing from the original. Somewhat smoky, but really not to the same extent at all.

Basically, this one is citrus, spice (cinnamon and an emergent pink pepper), and the vetiver/patchouli mix in the base. Clean and pleasant. Unique enough from the original Aventus, but doesn’t stray too far away.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

During my initial wear, I was quite pleased with this because it had the same bold opening as Aventus. Plenty of projection and it definitely had scent trail potential, albeit in with a less heavy feeling than its predecessor.

But, after only a few hours into it, Absolu Aventus became a skin scent. I tried it multiple times with the same result. Disappointing.

For me, this Creed lasts the same length of time as Aventus. I get 8-9 hours out of it. Again, not to the same strength, and 4-5 of those hours, Absolu is going to be hovering just off of the skin. Nothing much more than that.

Seasonally, I think that Absolu is at its best in the autumn through spring. With the deeper use of citrus, I thought it might be summer coming into testing. Nope. This fragrance is surprisingly great when it’s cool and crisp outside.

As far as when you can where it, just think any time that you wear the original. It retains that super versatile and signature scent aspect.

Overall Impressions of Absolu Aventus

Overall, do I like Absolu Aventus? Yes, it’s very much like the original Aventus, only with some changes at the edges to make this fragrance somewhat distinct.

I do enjoy those additions. The cinnamon might be my favorite part of this newer formula. The citron in this citrus heavy mix is also pleasant. In terms of how it smells, Absolu is a nice release.

My main issues with it are the performance and the price tag for what it is. Over $500 per bottle. I can explain away the latter as it being as limited edition or something for collectors.

Fine. I’m not in the market for an Aventus fragrance, so, it doesn’t really concern me. Definitely feels like a cash grab, though.

The nosedive that it seems to do after a few hours, with how it projects is my main gripe. It feels like it’s going to be an equal to the original and then it just turns into a skin scent for me.

With all of that in mind, I don’t think this is going to be worth tracking down for most people. If you love Aventus, sure you might want a different take on it. For the rest of you, you might want to go with a different Creed cologne or just pick up one of the other Aventus scents.

There’s nothing here that’s way different, just a bit of an alternative take on the popular smell of Creed Aventus.

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Absolu Aventus by Creed
  • 8.5/10
    Aroma - 8.5/10
  • 6.4/10
    Sillage - 6.4/10
  • 8.6/10
    Longevity - 8.6/10
  • 8.9/10
    Versatility - 8.9/10
  • 6/10
    Uniqueness - 6/10
User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

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