Black Opium Intense by YSL

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Black Opium Intense is yet another flanker from the Black Opium line released by Saint Laurent in 2019. An intense version of the popular fragrance was intriguing to me, so, I grabbed some to test it out for review. What does it smell like? How long does it last? Is it a better version of Black Opium?

What does Black Opium Intense Smell Like?

Notes include: coffee, licorice absolute, vanilla, blue absinthe essence

My Full Review

Here’s how YSL describes this fragrance: The sensuality of coffee is surrounded by the aura of the magnetizing note of blue absinthe. The thrill of a mysterious and daring addiction electrifies the new Black Opium Eau de Parfum Intense.

The original Black Opium EDP is a pretty powerful perfume, on my skin. As such, I was expecting Intense to be an absolute bomb, but it isn’t.

It is a pretty different fragrance from the others, but I was looking forward to a powerhouse. It opens up with a blend of the blue absinthe and licorice accord. It is an interesting pairing because the anise found in absinthe can often come across like licorice, in terms of smell.

That’s the top of the scent, with the usual coffee fragrance coming underneath. It isn’t a ‘boozy’ smell, if you’re thinking of the usual mixed drink style of perfumes. Just a smooth, slightly sweet, coffee aroma with a hint of vanilla.

The next phase, there does seem to be the jasmine floral note coming through. I know, that and orange blossom have been heavily featured in this series, but I don’t get any orange blossom in this one.

As it dries down, Black Opium Intense does get a bit powdery for a while. It isn’t a super baby powder experience or anything, but you do get a sensation of powder. It’s mostly about the coffee, licorice, slight vanilla, and jasmine. Most of the absinthe, has gone out the window.

That’s about what I get for the rest of the wear.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

The sillage is pretty moderate at its peak. That’s about up until the one hour mark and then it is pretty much a skin scent. Don’t expect a heavy projection bomb, this ain’t it. Not nearly as strong as the original.

The longevity is actually pretty good though, as a skin scent. It sticks around for 7-8 hours of wear. It’d be a lot better with some power behind it, but it didn’t just disappear entirely.

Seasonally, this is another autumn and winter wear. If it were stronger, I’d say it’d mostly be for the nightlife. But, as is, you’re not really going to choke out a room and can probably get away with wearing it in a variety of daytime situations.

To me, it’s not what I would consider a sexy smell. It’s all just fine, never really wowing me.

Overall Impressions of Black Opium Intense

Do I like this perfume? I mean, I don’t hate it. I think it is better than Nuit Blanche (maybe?), but worse than both Black Opium and Neon.

The absinthe and licorice pairing is interesting, just not incredible. The strength of the scent is a major miss for me. Although, a heavy licorice note tends to give me a headache.

There really just isn’t much here to praise, it’s mostly just saying to yourself, ‘well, that’s pretty good, I guess’. Licorice, coffee, absinthe, some vanilla/jasmine, and a slight powdery feel at times. If that’s enough for you, go ahead and give this YSL scent a try.

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