Dylan Blue Pour Femme by Versace

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Dylan Blue Pour Femme is one that I’m just getting around to reviewing. I did the review of the men’s version from Versace when it came out, but pretty much ignored doing a full page on the ladies’ options. Since I’ve already done Turquoise, I figured I should also get Blue done. How does this one smell? How long does it last? Is it worth a try?

What does Dylan Blue Pour Femme Smell Like?

Notes include: blackcurrant, apple sorbet, styrax, wild blooms, musk, white woods, patchouli

Click here to try: Dylan Blue Pour Femme

My Full Review

Here’s how Versace, describes the scent: A strong and sensual fragrance, Dylan Blue represents an alchemy of alluring notes including the fresh blackcurrant and apple sorbet, fused with a bouquet of wild blooms. The perfume boasts woody base notes featuring patchouli coeur, styrax and white woods that add vibrance to this feminine scent. 

Dylan Blue Pour Femme starts out with a sharp and fruity blend, consisting mainly of black currant and apple. There may also be a touch of peach in there, but the others are the main focus.

Between them it’s blackcurrant, which has the upper hand. It is tart, crisp, and a bit sweet when paired with the apple note. The other notes coming up from the base, really give Blue a shampoo or body wash sort of vibe.

The next real phase of the fragrance, is where you’ll get to experience the ‘wild blooms’. The floral notes here are forget me not, jasmine, clover, and rose.

At this point, it’s not as sharp to me, and actually has more of a sweeter scent. But, it’s also greened up by the presence of styrax. Now, the perfume is still very much a fruity scent versus being a floral, but there is some more balance there.

Forget me not and jasmine seem to be the stand out notes among that set.

Dylan Blue has a musky presence throughout and along with the white woods, adds to that shampoo-like cleanliness that you experience. Freshness of apple and wood. Plus, the soapy sort of aroma of musk and floral notes like jasmine.

That’s mostly what the dry down is. Lingering fruits, lighter floral notes, all sitting on top of musky woods. Pretty simple and not super deep, but effective for what it is.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Sillage wise, Dylan Blue does have a pretty nice start. It’s not overpowering or going to leave a huge scent trial. Though, it can really project for that first 30 minutes to an hour if you spray to much.

But, it’s ultimately a lighter moderate perfume that isn’t going to jump off of the skin for much of the wear. It has a decently high peak, but settles rather quickly.

The longevity with this one is okay. It’s not by any means the worst that I’ve come across, but it could be better. On skin, this will last about 5-6 hours before it fades completely.

Pretty darn average across the board with how it performs and probably the weakest aspect of Dylan Blue.

Seasonally, spring and summer mostly. Really, wouldn’t be too bad in parts of autumn. However, with its freshness and energy, it probably doesn’t fit too well in the wintertime.

It is pretty versatile as a daily wear. It’s clean and has a prettiness to it. Safe for most work environments, school, or just other casual activities.

It’s not a formal fragrance, nightlife, or romantic wear. It’s easy to wear and probably not going to be offensive, but doesn’t necessarily cover all of one’s bases in terms of use.

Overall Impressions of Dylan Blue Femme

Overall, do I like Dylan Blue Pour Femme? I like it well enough. It’s not a love for me, but I also get its appeal.

The opening is a weaker spot to me. The blackcurrant and apple come across too strong, in my opinion. However, I like Dylan Blue more so as it dries down, and you get some more of the floral influence.

The dry down is bright and does indeed have a vibrant energy to it. The musk and the woods aren’t domineering, but you definitely get their presence in the mix throughout. I personally like them in this composition.

The performance is passable, just not great. Some might be able to squeeze a full work day out of it, but most probably won’t. Again, it’s decent.

I think that it’s one to check out, if this sounds like your style of perfume. It isn’t going to blow most people away with the way it smells, but this Versace is pretty good for what it is, and that can have its place in a fragrance collection.

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