Flowerbomb Dew by Viktor & Rolf

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Flowerbomb Dew was a flanker of the popular perfume line which was released in 2020. I got a sample of this as part of my progress of reviewing most (if not, all) of the Flowerbomb perfumes for this site. How does Dew Smell? Does it last long? Is it worth a try?

What does Flowerbomb Dew Smell Like?

Notes include: pear, dew drop, musk mallow, bergamot, rose, iris, heliotrope, musk, cashmeran

Click here to try: Flowerbomb Dew

My Full Wear Review

The opening of Dew, does indeed have a light watery freshness to it. Between the pear and the dew drop, it’s really to be expected.

While it is sweet, somewhat fruity early on, it’s never dominant in the mix. Musk mallow, musk, and the powdery floral notes are already a factor. Iris, seems to poke through more early, but in the dry down I get more heliotrope aroma.

Much of what you’re getting with Flowerbomb Dew, is already apparent in the opening act. The aquatic dew drop element will subside, as will any bergamot, and eventually the pear too.

It goes from being a sweeter musky floral (led by the iris) to a musky more generic powdery aroma, that’s a mix of the floral notes. I do get periods which the rose is somewhat of a factor, but it really doesn’t pop out, on my skin.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Sillage wise, this is average at its peak, and pretty darn light outside of that. It doesn’t completely disappear for me, but Dew is in skin scent territory a couple of hours into the wear.

That’s its main weakness.

How long does it stick around? Somewhere in the six hour range, for me, on skin. Again, it’s not a massively powerful scent at that point, but I do still detect it. Musk and mostly the iris note remain.

Seasonally, this is pretty much a year round sort of fragrance. It’s powder isn’t a heavy one, so, it doesn’t get bogged down much in the heat. That fresh opening really helps. Maybe not a pure winter scent and that’s not when Dew will be at its best.

This is very versatile as a daily wear perfume. It can go casual to semi-formal and be fine for most occasions. Another fragrance would be in order if you need a formal wear, nightlife, or something that is sexy.

Dew is pleasant and attractive, not one that is inherently seductive.

Overall Impression of Flowerbomb Dew

Overall, do I like Dew? Yes, I think that it is a solid flanker, on the whole. Not the best of the Flowerbomb lineup, but I’d put it in the upper half.

Dew is a very simple fragrance. The pear and dew drop add a lightness and aquatic sort of feeling to it. You get musky florals with powdery heliotrope and iris. It’s easy to wear and all around pleasant.

It’s just not going to be a massive performer. So, if you need something with more power, you might want to go with something else besides this V&R release.

I do wish it had some further reach and ability to stick around longer, at a stronger level. But, on the smell alone, I like this Flowerbomb. I prefer the original, Midnight, and Ruby Orchid to this for sure though.

I would probably want to get a significant discount, if I were going to give Flowerbomb Dew a try. At full price, the performance isn’t really worth the admission.

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Flowerbomb Dew by Viktor & Rolf
  • 7.7/10
    Aroma - 7.7/10
  • 5/10
    Projection - 5/10
  • 6.4/10
    Longevity - 6.4/10
  • 8.3/10
    Versatility - 8.3/10
  • 7.8/10
    Uniqueness - 7.8/10
User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

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