James Bond 007 Cologne Review

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This is going to be my third scent review from the James Bond line of fragrances for men. Eon Productions used the famed name of the fictional spy character to create an array of affordable colognes under the James Bond banner. Is 007 a good fragrance? What does it smell like? Is it worth a purchase?

What does 007 Cologne Smells Like?

Notes include: apple. bergamot, rose, sandalwood, lavender, cardamom, coumarin

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My Full Wear Review

The opening of 007 features an apple note but it doesn’t strike me as the usual crisp affair. Instead, it is partnered up with a bergamot note, to create a bright citrus-laden mixture.

What I notice beyond that, mostly consists of lavender. 007 has this calming fresh air about it and is joined by a smooth and light dash of sandalwood.

As it moves along, you are mostly going to get an increase in the lavender and sandalwood, at the expense of the fruit notes. It’s a bit woody but still mostly that watery sweetness presented by the apple and bergamot. Overall, it is fresh and pleasant to wear.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

The problem with this James Bond 007 cologne lies in its performance. While the fact that it is a soft projecting scent, isn’t a problem, the longevity was an issue for me. If it was just light and long lasting, this would be a steal.

I got maybe 2 hours of use from it, while applying a good deal of it. There wasn’t seemingly enough time for it to fully develop and present all of the notes within. I mean, I don’t really expect fragrances at this price range to last long, but this is pretty darn poor.

Wear wise, this is a casual everyday type of scent. You know, assuming it lasts on your skin. It doesn’t strike me as specific to any one season or weather condition.

Overall Impressions of Bond 007 Fragrance

Would I recommend James Bond 007 cologne? I really do like the smell. It’s not amazing but for the price it was really nice. Simple and linear but nice. The good news is that it is cheap, so, the performance issues aren’t too much of a burden. For $10 a bottle? Not the worst deal out there.

Add a layer of unscented lotion to your skin and then spraying the cologne on top of that, will probably give it some added life.

I like the initial start and I would like that to last longer, it really could have made the fragrance. Sandalwood and lavender is nice, but I like that apple and bergamot, it had some great energy to it.

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