Le Male In The Navy by JPG

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In the Navy is one of the multitude of Le Male flankers to have been put out by JPG, over the years. It came out back in 2018 and I had come in contact with it back then. But, once I saw it again, I scooped up some samples in order to give it a proper review. How does it smell? How long does it last? Is In the Navy worth a try?

What does Le Male in the Navy Smell Like?

Notes include: vanilla, peppermint, oceanic accord, ambergris

Click here to try: Le Male in the Navy

My Full Review

Here’s how JPG describe it: An aquatic fougere. A splash of icy peppermint, invigorated by the salty freshness of an oceanic accord and contrasted with a vanilla note.

The opening is cold and fresh with that peppermint note leading the way. Right from the jump, you will notice the light and water accord running through the middle of In the Navy.

Actually, pretty nice. With the vanilla, mint, and ambergris notes; it can become easy to compare this to Eros. Sure, there’s some overlap, but they’re not the same fragrance by any means. Especially, sans citrus.

Once some of that peppermint has worn off, this becomes more about that vanilla and ambergris. Saltier and warm, with less of the initial oceanic freshness that defines the opening act.

Le Male In the Navy, isn’t a complicated scent. It’s pretty much a watery blend of vanilla and amber for the rest of the way. Basically, take three of the notes from the original and add an aquatic accord.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Sillage wise, I can say that this is at best, middle of the road. Maybe you’ll get a scent trail going with heavy sprays. But, past that first hour and this one is a light and intimate fragrance.

The longevity doesn’t help matters. On my skin, I get about 4.5 hours of wear. Even in that lighter state, it just doesn’t want to stick around.

Some of these Le Male flankers are pretty weak. In the Navy is one of the worst, in my experience.

That being said, it is a versatile fragrance. It’s fresh, non-offensive, and can work well from springtime through autumn in most places. I’d skip in winter, but this is at its best when it gets warm out.

Not really going to be a sexy nightlife beast. But, a daytime casual or semi-formal wear, when you want something light to put on in the heat. Not that it’s going to keep up the fight for long, but it’s a serviceable smell for that climate.

Overall Impressions of In the Navy

Overall, do I like In the Navy? Not particularly. I did think that this was one that I’d be more into, but this Le Male falls flat, and performs poorly. It sounded a lot better than it actually is.

The opening is the best part. Even then, the peppermint and oceanic accord aren’t all that amazing together. It’s a nice aroma, just nothing that really grabs my attention.

After that, In the Navy is a simplistic and linear experience, that smells okay enough. That alone would disqualify it from being a full bottle purchase for me. Throw in the fact that it only sticks around for a bit more than four hours and it’s a pass.

Most bottles that I’m seeing still floating around, aren’t heavily discounted. Seems like the stock that’s left is priced close to retail. No real value with In the Navy.

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