Love for Him EDT by Tiffany & Co.

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Love for Him is a release by Tiffany & Co. that came out back in 2019. It’d been a while since the jewelry company had put out a men’s fragrance and this was right before LVMH bought the brand. I hadn’t tried this one out, but recently got a sample to test. How does it smell? Is it long lasting? Even worth a try?

What does Tiffany & Love for Him Smell Like?

Notes include: mandarin, ginger, cardamom, cypress, juniper, vetiver, sequoia, sandalwood

Click here to try: Love for Him EDT

My Full Review

The opening of Love for Him is bright, fresh, and quite pleasant. The mandarin orange takes the lead up top, but isn’t allowed to overpower the other notes.

Ginger and cardamom are giving this a light spiciness to develop that freshness. The cardamom here is the type with the lemony finish, which accentuates the orange note. Not at all massive in the mix and the ginger note is definitely favored.

So, yeah, this does have a similar style to the Bleu de Chanel fragrances. Not the same exactly, but with citrus and ginger and woods…you’re going to get that kind of vibe.

The mandarin will begin to take more of a back seat, as does that cardamom. Love now becomes a woodier scent, with a drier freshness rather than juicy and spicy.

On my skin, the cypress comes through more initially. Then, the vetiver will be the focus. None of the woody notes really break up the balance of the scent, but some have a heavier weighting versus others.

Not a lot of sandalwood or juniper here. I was hoping that the sequoia note would have some more power, to make this a more distinct sort of cologne, but even that is relegated to the background.

Surprisingly, the ginger doesn’t completely fad away early on. I can pick it up really deep into the wear. The scent feels like a sparkling and slightly sweet woody cologne. The remaining citrus and ginger floats around an increasingly indistinct mass of woods.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

This one is pretty middle of the road with the scent trail it’ll leave behind or how far it tends to pop off of the skin. You do get a nice 30-45 minutes, with some decent reach. Ultimately, this Tiffany & Co cologne is a lighter one.

That’s not to say it completely disappears and isn’t detectable. Just expect something that’ll be intimate instead of heavy and bold.

The longevity is actually pretty good in that sense. Yes, it’s lighter but it keeps going for up to 7.5 hours, on my skin. Is it super sheer at that point? Yep, though that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.

Seasonally, this is a spring and summer wear. The brightness, the citrus, and the freshness of the woods all scream to be worn during the warmer months of the year.

Within that context it is pretty versatile. Any age can wear this. Any occasion wouldn’t be too much of a problem. Love for Him is pleasant, likeable, and will draw complements when it is detectable to those around you.

Could easily be a daily wear for this stretch of the year. You’d want to go with something else, if you want a bold nightlife kind of cologne. Outside of that, you’re good.

Overall Impressions of Love for Him

Overall, do I like this fragrance? Yes, I think that it smells very nice. It’s nothing super unique or complex, but the aroma itself is attractive and something that can easily fit into your spring and summer lineup.

The mandarin orange note with the ginger and cardamom is a great opening act. Mandarin is usually one of my least favorite citrus notes, but it works here. Not too strong, but also doesn’t get annoying.

The brightness and ginger transitions into something woodier, giving Love for Him a different sort of freshness.

The performance is kind of a let down. If you want a strong and bold cologne, this one isn’t going to be it. Longevity is actually good, just not with a lot sillage behind it. Which, for a refreshing summer fragrance, I don’t have a problem with.

My only reservation with this one, is the price point. If you can get a nice discount, Love for Him is probably worth it. However, I’ve also seen it retail for over $100. To me, that’s a stretch.

Sure, it’s a nice fragrance but nothing that you need to really need to acquire at a high cost. It will probably be considered to simple or not unique enough for some people either. In the $50-75 range, I’d be a lot more comfortable picking up a bottle.

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