Loverdose Red Kiss by Diesel

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One of the samples that I’ve gotten a hold of in the women’s fragrance category, is one from Diesel: Loverdose Red Kiss. This is one of the flanker perfumes from the Loverdose series. The question is, is this scent any good? Well, after trying it out for a few days, I have compiled my thoughts below, on a full spectrum of details about this perfume and whether it is worth a shot or not.

What does Loverdose Red Kiss Smell Like?

Notes include: orange blossom, hazelnut, amber, patchouli, cacao, black currant

Click here to try: Diesel Loverdose Red Kiss Eau de Parfum, 1.7 Ounce

My Full Review

The opening of Loverdose Red Kiss is a blend of orange blossom, hazelnut, and black currant notes. It’s a sweet and citrus based fruity smell with the underlying smooth nuttiness of the hazlenut note.

I get a feeling of similarity between this perfume and some others on the market, but it does strike me as different enough to stand as a unique fragrance on its own.

It does become a sweeter fragrance as it dries down, but at the beginning of its lifespan, that sweetness is joined by a sharp tart/sour aroma from the fruits. The emergence of the cacao settles Loverdose Red Kiss down into a sweeter blend with less of that sharpness.

The drydown is inhabited mostly by the cacao, hazelnut, amber, and patchouli notes. The patchouli in this Diesel perfume isn’t terribly strong but it is a noticeable component throughout the wear.

It becomes a warmer sweetness and less of the tart citrus, with a comforting blend of nuts and cacao, plus the amber note which ties the whole thing together.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Projection wise, Red Kiss starts of pretty darn strong but its sillage is ultimately pretty moderate. You get about an hour or so as a powerhouse, which then is an upper moderate, and quite noticeable fragrance. Don’t go overboard with the sprays, but you don’t need to be stingy either.

The longevity of this one is also pretty great. It generally lasts 8+ hours, so a full day for most people’s purposes.

Loverdose Red Kiss by the name alone should be useful as a romantic wear perfume, is this actually the case? Yes. It is inviting and sexy and smells quite delicious. Its creamy sweetness and overall blend of notes is very appealing to my male brain.

I would definitely enjoy smelling this on a woman that I was dating and liked the scent a lot as I was wearing it. That being said, it will probably best serve a younger lady. Think college age through mid-20s. Nonetheless, it isn’t too juvenile.

One thing that I should mention, is that this isn’t a warm weather scent. So, during summer days or other high humidity situations, it’s not going to be great. It’d be best in the cold weather but it performs nicely on a mild night.

Overall Impressions of Red Kiss

Overall, do I recommend Diesel Loverdose Red Kiss? Yes, I do. I think it is an attractive perfume that is well put together and also gives a great performance. It is sexy, sweet, and has an interesting opening of tart citrus but also develops a full personality.

If the notes included in here, seem like something that you’d enjoy, I’d definitely give this a try. It has a lot of the same sort of style as something like Black Opium and Prada Candy. Yet, it sticks out as being somewhat distinct from them.

Update: I think that this one has now been discontinued. So grab a bottle now, if you can still find it for cheap, and wanted to try.

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