Oud Minerale by Tom Ford

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I have finally reached my last Tom Ford fragrance review, from the huge batch of samples, I acquired some time back. Now, it’s not all of the brand’s perfumes, but I’ve gotten through a lot of them. In this post, I am going to be sharing my experiences with, Oud Minerale. This is an aquatic fragrance that was released by Tom Ford in 2017. How does it smell? How does it perform? Is it worth a buy?

What does Oud Minerale Smell Like?

Notes include: sea weed, oud, salt, pink pepper, marine notes, fir, and more

Click here to try: Oud Minerale Eau De Parfum

My Full Wear Review

The opening of Oud Minerale, immediately brings to mind two other fragrances, Light Blue Eau Intense and Blvgari Aqva. It’s as if you stripped out the citrus notes from those scents, combined them, and added oud.

Right away, I get a big dose of that calone aroma, which is so prevalent in Eau Intense. This is joined by a salt water/sea weed combination, that is found in the Bvlgari cologne.

This is going to be one, for those who are really into marine or oceanic smelling fragrances, as it is fully entrenched within that category.

Up top there is a slight pink pepper spice, for a time, it is seemingly blended with the light ambergris. The pink pepper later dies down, to my nose, but the ambergris remains for the duration as a light addition to the composition.

Anyway, getting to the oud. Oud Minerale, really isn’t all that packed with this note. The oud is there, but its usual intensity is tempered. In fact, much of the time, I actually smell more fir than oud. All of the woody notes, feel like water-logged driftwood, and secondary to the marine aromas.

The final dry down is sea weed, with some light saltiness and ambergris, sitting on top of water and with oud. The oud, at the end, becomes the dominant wood note over the fir.

Up close to your nose, the ambergris is more noticeable throughout. But when I catch whiffs of Oud Minerale, it is more of a refreshing and oceanic aquatic fragrance.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Projection wise, Oud Minerale is deceptively strong. If I spray it on clothes, I can pick it up from across the room, but on my skin it doesn’t seem all that strong. So, yes, this does have the capability to overwhelm a room. Don’t get carried away in application.

The longevity with this stuff is fantastic. Easily hits the double digit hours on my skin. I’m not sure the exact number, as I washed it off eventually, but no problem hitting 10+ hours. You will at least get your money’s worth, from a performance standpoint. Strong sillage and it doesn’t quit.

Seasonally, I guess I’d put it in the spring and summer months. It does well in warmer weather and would feel somewhat awkward to have on in the winter. It’s not something that fits, with that climate’s vibe.

This is more of a casual niche wear. You can wear it professionally, too. However, this isn’t a sex date night option or any sort of nightlife wear. Mostly, I’d stick to wearing it around on warm days, particularly spent outdoors.

Is it unisex? I’d say that it is. As a whole, it’s a fairly neutral scent.

Overall Impression of Oud Minerale

Do I like this scent? Personally, not really. It’s not my style and I don’t find this to be enjoyable. That being said, it will be a winner for the right person. You just have to completely love that marine environment smell.

I pretty much knew this wasn’t going be my thing, as seaweed is pretty much a non-starter for me in most every fragrance. Add, oud to the mix and I wasn’t too excited to test Oud Minerale.

It really does capture the smell of sea water and sea weed, though. The oud is there, but light, and won’t be too big of a distraction. The performance is top notch, so if you do like this Tom Ford, you will get your money’s worth.

The fir, ozonic, and aquatic aspects of this scent do draw me in at times. Just not enough, that I want to wear this perfume beyond this testing.

Oud Minerale is a niche scent, with limited appeal. It’s not a ‘bad’ fragrance, by any means, just one that isn’t going to have too many subscribers to its style.

This is also a really expensive fragrance, so, you’re most likely going to have to be in love with it for Oud Minerale to be worthwhile.

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