Polo Cologne Intense by Ralph Lauren

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Polo Cologne Intense EDP is a 2021 release from Ralph Lauren that is a modern flanker to the classic original Polo, which dates back to the 1970s. It seems weird to finally put out a flanker, over 40 years after the fact, but whatever. I recently got ahold of a sample of this scent and have been testing it out. How does it smell? How long does it last? When should it be worn?

What does Polo Cologne Intense Smell Like?

Notes include: grapefruit, mint, basil, sage, patchouli, vetiver

My Full Review

Polo Cologne Intense opens up with a fresh blast of citrus and mint. The grapefruit is bright and cold, with additional mint, and the ever-growing presence of basil. On me, I get more mint at first, and then the basil becomes more prominent.

It’s got a very fresh, green/herbal sort of profile. The basil takes over and it simply has a minty edge from there on, until you get to the dry down.

The next phase has sage and violet leaf, joining the basil which gives Cologne Intense even more of that herbal greenish profile. The basil doesn’t stick out as much to me and the entire thing seems more blended together and it’s harder to distinguish between the individual notes.

The final dry down is actually pretty earthy and dry. The green fresh spice is still there somewhat, but I mostly get the remnants of the violet leaf, patchouli, and vetiver. This is where it feels most like the original to me, but it’s still a fractional overlapping. You get some of Polo, just perhaps not as much as some might like.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Sillage wise, this one will project 4-7 feet from the skin. It’s not a complete bomb, pretty moderate, but I found it to be consistent and didn’t just quickly turn into a skin scent. I really don’t have any complaints, as I wouldn’t want this one to be a total monster.

The longevity was about 7-8 hours, on my skin. Again, it’s solid, just not going to be shockingly good at sticking around. For most purposes, Polo Cologne Intense will get the job done.

Seasonally, Polo Cologne Intense is actually very versatile. It might be a bit too fresh for the coldest days of the year, but it can work any other time. This is probably it’s greatest strength. Very close to an all-around cologne.

The original Polo in the green bottle, can seem too old school for many guys who grew up in a later time period. This one does have a more youthful feel to it, but not something that would be exclusive to younger guys either. It would work for early 20s and up without issue.

It is safe for work, a night out, or semi-formal occasions. Not really a sexy scent or a club beast, but it can be an easy reach for a lot of situations.

Overall Impressions of Polo Cologne Intense

Overall, do I like Polo Cologne Intense? It’s pretty good. I like the opening phase of this fragrance, but after that it becomes pretty much just an average green/outdoorsy scent with touches of the original Polo cologne.

That mint, basil, and grapefruit is a nice combination. Very fresh and bright. But, is that worth the price of a full bottle? Probably not. Maybe once this starts to hit the discounters, it might be worthwhile for some guys to pick up a bottle.

The performance here is good enough. Sillage isn’t completely weak, it is consistent, and will last close to a full work day.

If you liked the original, this is a more modern take. Don’t expect it to be an exact clone, with more power. This isn’t nearly as woody but does give you a herbal freshness, more of the basil that is found in the original.

Polo Cologne Intense is an okay effort from Ralph Lauren, not amazing, but definitely not terrible.

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