Tease EDP by Victoria’s Secret

Tease is another of the more popular fragrances by Victoria’s Secret line. It’s been in lotion, body spray, and eau de parfum form. In this post, I am going to be review the latter, and seeing just how this EDP performs. How does it smell? Does it last long? Is it worth a try?

What does Tease EDP by Victoria’s Secret Smell Like?

Notes include: anjou pear, gardenia, black vanilla, litchi

Click here to try: Tease EDP

tease edp review

My Full Wear Review

Tease is a sweeter perfume at times, but it actually starts out fairly tart. The pear and litchi combination will do that. Maybe a little apple thrown in the mix to boot. 

On the whole though, it is more of a light fruity sweetness than a sugary kind of perfume. A gourmand with a larger age range than just being for teenagers. Some VS scents are too youthful for women above 25 to wear them, but I think this one has a broader appeal. 

Vanilla and gardenia really star here. The pear early, these two notes later in the wear. That shift will come at about 45 minutes after application, that’s around when it happened for me.

There is slight resinous quality from an amber note in the base. Keeps it warm and smooth.

There does seem to be some other white floral notes in the mix. But, this is at least 85% gardenia in how it presents. Maybe a little bit of jasmine, but that’s about all I get distinctly. Otherwise, it’s a mishmash. 

Less fruity more vanilla floral with some touches of woods and amber. Pear and it’s sparkling quality start to play the background.

Tease EDP isn’t a very complicated fragrance. So, you pretty quickly get to experience most of what you’ll get for the duration of the wear.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

The sillage here is pretty moderate. You get a fairly big and bold start with a normal amount of sprays. Though, that’ll last maybe a little less than an hour. Then, it’s noticeable, just not anything bold or with a far reaching projection.

On my skin, Tease lasts between 6-7 hours. Not amazing, but honestly better than many of Victoria’s Secret’s other fragrances. Though, overall it’s pretty basic, and what you’d get from most other brand’s perfumes. 

Seasonally, Tease is an interesting fragrance. I’d say it’s a bit better in the colder weather than warmer, but it isn’t exclusive to autumn or winter. Really, I’d mostly just stay away from the extreme heat of summer days.

It’s not the most formal fragrance ever, but it can serve its purpose as a casual scent or daily wear. It’s attractive enough for the nightlife and will gather compliments, as these sorts of gourmands to have a mass appeal.

Tease isn’t a difficult fragrance to wear around and versatility is one of its strengths. Not the most mature or serious perfume out there, but that’s not what everyone needs either.


Overall Impressions of Tease EDP

Overall, do I like Tease? Yes, it’s a very nice entry from VS. Not the most unique, but it smells nice, and gives a good enough performance.

I do slightly prefer something like Eau So Sexy from Victoria’s Secret to this one. But, it’s not an overwhelming preference. 

The anjou pear note is really great up top and one of the highlights of the scent for me. You might think with vanilla, amber, and some other gourmand influences that this might be a heavier/thicker fragrance.

Not really, it has substance, but isn’t going to completely melt if venturing into warmer temperatures. This is a very balanced and versatile fragrance. Pretty, straightforward, and likeable for most people. 

Not a must have, but for sure worth a try, if this is your style. 

Eau So Sexy EDP by Victoria’s Secret

Victoria’s Secret has a seemingly endless catalog of fragrances that it has put out over the years. Some get discontinued and never come back. Others routinely do get brought back for periods of time, again and again. Eau So Sexy is one of the latter perfumes. I recently grabbed a rollerball version of the EDP to give a full test. How does it smell? Does it last long? Is it actually worth a try?

What does Eau So Sexy EDP Smell Like?

Notes include: apple, bergamot, whipped cream, vanilla, fruits

Click here to try: Eau So Sexy EDP

eau so sexy review

My Full Review

The opening of Eau So Sexy is a candied apple mixed with bergamot citrus, and other sugary fruits. It’s not a complete Jolly Rancher’s style apple note, but more like a juicy/crisp green apple that’s been rolled a bit in sugar.

From the start, you can tell that this is going to be a very edible and delicious sort of fragrance. The bergamot gives it a bright sparkle.

While it is sugary, it isn’t heavy at all. In fact, this one does have a fresh and upbeat vibe, rather than being a cloying mess of scent.

The initial random assemblage of fruits will start to fade. There might be some pineapple in there? Strawberry? I’m not sure, aside from the citrus, but it fades and the whipped cream plus vanilla start to take shape in the base.

It’s pretty simple from here on out. The crisp candied green apple with whipped cream. The vanilla feels like an added flavoring to the whipped cream note. Not too prominent, but adds a nice touch.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Sillage wise, this one does start off with some moderate strength, enough to create a nice scent trail with decent projection from the skin.

But, it will mostly be a softer scent, creating a more intimate bubble. To me, it’s not a complete skin scent until it gets closer to the four hour mark. Before that, it’s decent.

The longevity here isn’t great. 4-5.5 hours before it disappears. This is really the weak spot of Eau So Sexy. Not something that’s going to last all day. Bottles are usually affordable, so reapplying isn’t too burdensome.

However, you do wish it could go for longer.

Seasonally, this is actually better in the moderate to warm weather of springtime. It can venture through summer and into early autumn as well. Again, not a thick or heavy sweetness here, so it’s not going to be a winter scent.

It’s sexy in a pretty and playful way. This isn’t a sultry or dark seduction. It’s youthful without being too girlish, but also isn’t a formal wear.

Casual, dates, daytime wear mostly.

Overall Impressions of Eau So Sexy

Overall, do I like this fragrance? I really do. It is a very attractive smell. I like the freshness of the apple mixed with the creamy sweetness of the rest of the perfume notes.

Apple and whipped cream together are really great. It’s not the most mature scent out there, but doesn’t come across as being solely for teenagers either. It’s much in the same vein as the Ariana Grande line of perfumes.

It really doesn’t get too involved. Eau So Sexy is a straightforward release from Victoria’s Secret. Though, I do enjoy its simplicity.

The performance is the biggest issue. 4-5 hours really isn’t great. Not the worst, but certainly not above average either. If you go into this knowing that you’re not getting a massive long-last scent, this is a perfume that smells wonderful.