Tango by Masque Milano

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At the end of last year, I received a whole bunch of sample fragrances, both that I purchased and that were thrown in as bonuses. Now, while I’ve gotten around to doing a review on most of them, I have fallen behind somewhat on getting all of them posted. Let’s rectify that.

Today’s entry is a scent release from 2013 by Masque Milano in Italy, called Tango. How does it smell? What are the ingredients? Is it worth a try? Please continue below, for my full take.

What does Tango by Masque Milano Smell Like?

Notes include: bergamot, black pepper, cardamom, jasmine, Damascena rose, cumin, patchouli, vanilla bean, amber, leather, benzoin, musk

My Full Wear Review

The fragrance from Masque, is pretty much a niche sort of scent, that is never going to be known by a wide audience. Only certain stores will carry it and it’s going to be pricey.

Nonetheless, I wanted to do a review here, even if no one is going to be reading this page; mostly, because I think that this is a really nice cologne.

The opening notes of Tango, mainly consist of the bergamot and black pepper. The citrus note is highly present, but wrapped up in the warm spice of cardamom/amber, and dotted with the black pepper note. It warm and smooth, the bergamot prevents it from becoming too heavy, and overbearing.

After that initial opening, Tango’s floral and earthier notes, really emerge. I get more of the jasmine note, than the rose, with a light touch of patchouli; which doesn’t distract from the overall composition.

As Tango moves along, the amber note really comes to dominate things. The spice is less noticeable and it really just gives off the effect of being warm, with some saltiness from the amber.

Finally, what I am left with is amber, leather, jasmine, vanilla, cardamom, and benzoin. The bezoin in the base note brings to mind Kouros Body by YSL, with a warm spicy profile, instead of being a sweet spicy scent.

Tango is amber soaked leather and jasmine, with cardamom, and a bit of vanilla peaking through with that benzoin note. It’s rich, fairly resinous, and smells quite nice.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Projection wise, Tango is a strong fragrance, at first. Overall, it’s more in the moderate range, but it can pack a punch early on.

The longevity is actually great and this Masque Milano scent, will last on my skin, all work day long. So, you will get the performance to match the price. It can go 10 hours, at times, but it seems closer to nine for the most part.

Tango is deep, ambery, and sexy. As such, I’d only be wearing this when it is cold out, as it won’t react well to the heat. Much more of an evening/romantic sort of wear.

If you go light with it, you could pull it off, in an office environment. However, I’d mostly be wearing this for nights on the town.

Overall Impressions of Tango

Overall, do I like Tango by Masque Milano. Yes, I really do. I don’t think it’s the greatest thing ever, but, I do think that it is a great example of a niche cologne. It is actually pleasant to wear, and not just weird, for the sake of being different.

It’s warm, has a nice spicy profile, with a dark and deep resinous quality. I dig it. If you can find a bottle, I recommend giving it a try at least. The performance matches the quality of the scent and it’s a very good scent, all around.

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Tango by Masque Milano
  • 8.3/10
    Aroma - 8.3/10
  • 7.7/10
    Sillage - 7.7/10
  • 9/10
    Longevity - 9/10
  • 7/10
    Versatility - 7/10
  • 8.3/10
    Uniqueness - 8.3/10
User Review
0/10 (0 votes)

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