Tuxedo by YSL

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Tuxedo is a 2014 release from Yves Saint Laurent, as a part of their higher end Le Vestiaire des Parfums line. This has become one of the, if not the most popular perfume to come out of that line of scents, but how does it actually smell? Does it last a long time? Is Tuxedo worth the hype?

What does Tuxedo Smell Like?

Notes include: rose, amber, patchouli, cardamom, black pepper, vanilla, and more

Click here to try: Tuxedo by YSL

My Full Review

Here’s how YSL describes it: A spicy unisex scent that blends the matte texture of smoked patchouli with ambergris accord to express a magnetic and dark sex appeal. The sharp black pepper enhanced with the freshness of cardamom mirrors the satin stripe that runs along the seam of the trousers and the lapels of the jacket.

While the opening of Tuxedo does indeed have the spice that YSL refers to in their description, it really serves to establish how absolutely smooth and refined this fragrance is.

The black pepper is there, gives this one a bit of an edge, but never truly punches you in the face with its presence. Between that and the cardamom, the spices help to create a separation that might otherwise leave this one feeling like a sea of amber on your skin.

Aside from the prominent pepper, there’s a green/watery aroma provided by the violet leaf and patchouli. Along with a general balsamic feeling, perhaps a little smoke too. The former (thankfully, for me at least) isn’t too large a factor here. But, the patchouli will take on a larger role moving forward.

It’s all very fresh and smooth. Beyond the immediate opening, the spiciness will subside somewhat, as will that violet leaf. At this stage, the rose and vanilla notes will come into play. Though, the amber and patchouli are going to be the stars with Tuxedo, so don’t expect a fragrance like Toy Boy, which goes super rosy.

That being said, there is a surprising amount of rose in this one, when I spray it on my skin during the first hour or two.

Once Tuxedo hits its dry down phase, it’s a pretty straightforward scent. Patchouli, amber, and vanilla. All of the other notes combine for an amalgam of fresh undertones. It’s warm and light, but also sweet, with these ever so slight aquatic touches.

Seasonally, just skip the summer months and you should be fine. Autumn through spring, should work just fine in most climates. High heat and humidity, not so much.

With a name like Tuxedo, is this a formal wear fragrance? Yes, it is. That being the case, I think that it still works in a wide variety of situations, beyond elegant events.

It’s office safe, it can be worn out at night even in more casual settings, for dates, etc. It’s never too serious or oppressive feeling, to wear it couldn’t work in many scenarios. Tuxedo could absolutely be a signature fragrance for some.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Tuxedo can be a tricky one to pin down how strong it is. I’ve noticed this with a lot of amber and vanilla dominant blends, that you can tend to go nose blind to it.

Now the sillage, with normal sprays is towards the lighter end of things. It does create a nice scent trail, though, and will be noticed. Just after a while, it might not be noticed by you. It can seem like a skin scent after two hours or you might not pick it up at all.

However, Tuxedo is still there doing its thing. That happened a bunch while testing this one again. I would forget that I’m wearing it and then caught a whiff hours later.

It sticks around, but can be elusive. For some people, that seems to be an issue. Not so much for me. I would say it hits the 6-8 hour range of actual longevity. Not amazing, especially at the price point. Though, I’m not really upset by it either.

Overall Impressions of Tuxedo

Overall, do I like Tuxedo? I love the way that this fragrance smells. It’s been becoming more and more one of my personal favorites over the past year or so. A lot of the YSL scents that I used to really enjoy, have gotten discontinued over time, but Tuxedo captures my attention completely.

The smoothness. The blend of spice, sweetness, and the hint of a watery finish. Tuxedo is so clean and refined, yet has a sexiness to it that attracts.

Sure, the performance can be elusive when compared to other scents. But, it is better than many give it credit for, while also not being completely elite in this regard.

I find this Saint Laurent perfume to be entirely wearable and not at all ‘stuffy’, despite its class and formal attire name.

To me, this is definitely full bottle worthy and a scent that people should for sure give a try.

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