Gold Knight by Kilian

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Gold Knight is a fragrance sample that I’ve had sitting in a box for many months now. I tested it out a few times, but never got around to putting my thoughts about it down. Well, I essentially forgot about it for a while, and rediscovered it more recently. How does it smell? When should it be worn? Is it worth a try? Find out below.

What does Gold Knight Smell Like?

Notes include: anise, vanilla, bergamot, patchouli, honey, amber

My Full Review

The aroma of Gold Knight immediately reminds me of Opium Pour Homme, with that anise note up top. Vanilla, anise, and bergamot are here (in lieu of the black currant); along with a general warm amber thickness.

However, it’s definitely not the same as that YSL. Here, it actually is a sweeter honey/amber combination. The spice of the anise is flatter in Gold Knight and it lacks much of the balsamic and smoky notes of that fragrance.

To me, this Kilian is sort of like taking Opium and blending it with Grand Soir. The amber and vanilla notes are especially prominent, as this dries down and that’s basically what that Kurkdjian perfume is.

So, opening up you get a blend of spice and sweetness, both of which are tempered by that thick amber quality. The anise is nice and paired with a delicious honey note early on. Just a hint of the citrus and the opening act is quite attractive here.

The early stages are sweet with the anise giving things a nice added kick of spice. The bergamot hangs around for a little while, but will fade.

The anise also fades, just not entirely until later. This is when Gold Knight starts to really resemble Grand Soir, which I’m not that big of a fan of. Honeyed amber and vanilla with a touch a patchouli to dirty things up…which separates Gold Knight from that perfume.

That’s pretty much what I get for the rest of the wear.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

The sillage here is good, but not enormous on my skin. It’s pretty steady through most of the wear and I’d call it on the upper end of moderate.

The longevity is very good, even if Gold Knight isn’t entirely beast mode. As I’ve tested it out, Gold has stayed around for at least 9 hours and can venture into double digits. Now, those last hours are basically skin scent level, but very detectable.

Seasonally, this one for the autumn and winter months. It’s warmth, spice, and thicker constitution aren’t going to be great once the heat and humidity kicks in.

Gold Knight is listed as a fragrance for men. But, it’s actually quite unisex. Opium Pour Homme had more intensity and spice, that made it masculine. This is softer and easy to wear for anybody.

During that time frame, it’s safe to wear basically anywhere. It probably won’t lend itself to most high school students, but outside of that, it’s office safe. It can venture into the nightlife and be able to draw complements and not negative attention.

Overall Impressions of Gold Knight

Overall do I like Gold Knight? I do like it, but I also don’t want a full bottle of it. I like the similarities to Opium, which I used to wear a lot, but I still think that the YSL is a better scent. Plus, the back half here isn’t all that exciting.

Pleasant, sure. But, it doesn’t really do all that much for me. If you’re a fan of this kind of vanilla and amber (honey) combination, it could for sure be one to pick up.

The performance is good and it provides plenty of utility, as a versatile unisex perfume.

When I think of Gold Knight, the phrase ‘it’s fine’ comes to mind. Some people will absolutely love this stuff and it is generally highly rated. To me, it’s a slightly worse version of a scent that I really did love at one point, and another that I never fully ‘got’.

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