Perfect Intense by Marc Jacobs

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Perfect Intense is a fragrance that I grabbed a sample of after having already done a review of the original Perfect release. I wanted to see what this one was all about and how it smells on its own. How long does this one last? Is it even worth a try?

What does Perfect Intense Smell Like?

Notes include: daffodil, jasmine, almond, sandalwood

Click here to try: Perfect Intense by Marc Jacobs

My Full Review

Here’s how Marc Jacobs describes it: An unabashedly bold twist to the original Perfect EDP. An explosion of vibrant daffodil and golden roasted almonds meets opulent night blooming jasmine and velvety sandalwood. Celebrate the intoxicating clash of the unexpected.

The original Perfect had a rhubarb note up top, which came across like strawberry. It felt much fruitier than does Intense. Yet, this one does have a sweetness that feels fruity here, in the opening moments of the wear.

Yes, that banana-like narcissus aroma, but there’s something else too.

Along with that, you get a mix of daffodil and jasmine, also coming through. The daffodil here, feels stepped up versus the original (at least for the first part). You get a nice yellow floral aroma, Perfect Intense does have a golden impression about it.

I’d say about 30% of the floral scent, is taken up by the jasmine. I like it though, it doesn’t need to be any stronger.

Perfect Intense feels fresh, yet buttery smooth (not smelling), with the almond and that ‘velvety sandalwood’ taking on more of a role. It’s warm and really has a nice back and forth between daffodil and the almond note, as the lead.

The end is more split between the almond and sandalwood, versus anything floral. Not too heavy, pretty different from the original, and clean.

Sillage, Longevity, and Versatility

Perfect Intense does live up to the moniker for that first hour to hour and a half of wear. The projection isn’t absolutely far reaching, just one that produces a good radius off of the skin. After that, Intense stays above average with its strength until it fades completely.

The longevity with Perfect Intense is solid, but not amazing. I get somewhere in the 7.5-8 hour range, on skin with this Marc Jacobs perfume. It’s a scent that gives you a good run of time to spend with it.

Seasonally, it doesn’t actually scream out any defined season. I wouldn’t wear it in the heat, especially when it’s also really humid outside. But, outside of the summer months, this should be fine to wear in most places.

This is a pretty scent, not particularly sexy or even formal. Though, I suppose it could be good as a daily wear, something casual, or one to wear in the right conditions while out and about.

Overall Impressions of Perfect Intense

Overall, do I like Perfect Intense? I do. I think that this is a good release all around, not spectacular but worth checking out.

The whole experience gives you a warm and golden sort of impression. The daffodil and the almond together are nice and have a buttery creaminess that I thought was enjoyable. I’m certainly not blown away by the aroma, just one that’s pleasant and upbeat.

The performance is solid enough to create a level of value with Perfect Intense, particularly if you can snag it at a discount.  It’s something different from most of the mainstream that’s out nowadays, while not being completely outlandish with what it’s trying to go for.

If you liked the original, you’ll probably dig this one as well. Personally, I still like Perfect EDP slightly more than this Intense flanker. Yet, it’s still one to check out to see which you happen to prefer.

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